Monthly Archive: November 2022

Complaint about PolitiFact submitted to the International Fact-Checking Network, Nov. 28, 2022

complaint to the international fact-checking network about PolitiFact

When PolitiFact failed to respond to our correction/revision request by clarifying, correcting or revising its supposedly unbiased yet apparently unsupported claim that Donald Trump counts as the least accurate politician it has ever covered, Zebra Fact Check submitted a formal complaint to the International Fact-Checking Network.

Correction/Revision request sent to PolitiFact, Nov. 16, 2022

Zebra Fact Check logo

PolitiFact published an article on Nov. 14, 2022 bearing the title “Donald Trump, the least accurate politician we’ve ever covered, eyes another White House run.” The article later similarly claimed “Trump has the worst record of any politician fact-checked by PolitiFact.” Given that PolitiFact does not rate politicians using a randomly selected set of stories and uses subjective judgments to…
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