Author Archive: Bryan W. White

Complaint to the International Fact-Checking Network about PolitiFact, Dec. 23, 2020

Zebra Fact Check logo

Following up on PolitiFact’s failure to correct in response to our July 2020 correction request, Zebra Fact Check lodged a formal complaint with the International Fact-Checking Network on Dec. 23, 2020. The complaint suggests PolitiFact fails to follow an open and honest corrections policy in its refusal to fix an obvious error.

A word about our introduction of strikethrough fact-checker logos

Zebra Fact Check logo

A post today criticizing PolitiFact accounts for our first use of a strikethrough format for the logo of a fact-checking organization.On no account does the new style suggest that we want to eliminate any fact-checking organization so represented. If we want to see a fact-checking organization eliminated, we will assuredly state so plainly and state our reasoning for wanting to…
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Fact-checking ‘systemic racism’?

Zebra Fact Check has noticed a tendency among mainstream fact checkers to leave “systemic racism” alone as a fact-checking topic. The so-called “elite three” (, PolitiFact, Washington Post Fact Checker) all suffer a lack of content on the subject. A Democrat can state that systemic racism exists as a reality in any number of contexts and fact-checkers will ignore it….
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Juggling apples & oranges

Zebra Fact Check considers the avoidance of apples-to-oranges comparisons a completely basic task in fact-checking. Thus, it especially piques our interest when two mainstream fact checkers fact check the same apple fact with orange data when researching the same subject. During his inauguration speech, President Biden said the coronavirus deaths from the past year equaled the number of Americans killed…
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Complaints to the International Fact-Checking Network about and PolitiFact

Zebra Fact Check logo and PolitiFact committed an error in common in fact-checking President Biden’s inaugural address. Both made statements representing the total U.S. death toll from World War II using statistics for U.S. military deaths and omitting all mention of civilian war dead. Both fact-checking organizations failed to address the error or acknowledge the complaint within a week’s time, leading to the…
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