
Messages to PolitiFact Missouri about the Will Kraus fact check

On Jan. 4, 2016, we sent the following message to PolitiFact Missouri writer Adam Aton. Though we included editor Mike Jenner in the salutation, we neglected to list Jenner as a recipient. Dear Mr. Adam Aton, Mr. Mike Jenner I’m a fact-checking journalist preparing an evaluation of PolitiFact MIssouri’s fact check of Will Kraus. Your fact check faults Kraus for asserting…
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Missives to Qiu and Holan about the Carson tax plan

Email interview questions posed to PolitiFact writer Linda Qiu and PolitiFact editor Angie Drobnic Holan through their published email addresses. Note neither replied to the messages, which is common with PolitiFact staffers. If we receive any reply on this subject we will add the reply to this page. Nov. 5, 2015: Dear Linda Qiu, Angie Drobnic Holan, The Facebook version…
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Interview: Zbiegniew Mazurak

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We sought the opinion of Zbiegniew Mazurak on defense issues. Mazurak’s “About Me” page says “I’m a defense analyst with 6 years of experience in the field, specializing in the defense budget, nuclear weapons strategy, and missile defense.” We wanted to see how Mazurak would approach the fact check issue without our leading toward a particular angle. As a follow…
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PolitiFact Wisconsin and the Rouhani-Obama fauxto

On July 24, 2015, PolitiFact Wisconsin published a fact check piggybacking on a recent BuzzFeed criticism of a political ad. On July 23, 2015 BuzzFeed published a story about a political ad aired by Restoration PAC in support of the re-election campaign of Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.). The BuzzFeed story, by Ilan Ben-Meir, focused in part on one of the…
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Tea party folks think the government should keep its hands off Medicare?

We were recently reminded of the allegation that tea party members don’t understand that Medicare is a government insurance program.  The reminder came with photographic evidence:  an early tea party rally featuring a person holding a sign that read “Keep government out of my Medicare!  You damn socialists!” The sign didn’t look quite right.  Suspecting a Photoshop job, we looked…
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