Tag Archive: economy

Can the U.S. address climate change and compete economically?

“Myth: The United States can’t stay economically competitive if we address climate change.” —The Democratic National Committee, Nov. 27 from its “Your Republican Uncle” website   Overview Cutting carbon emissions carries a cost, and the cost tends to make the United States less competitive.  The DNC’s rosy picture of the benefits of climate change mitigation ignores many complications. The Facts…
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Did Obama deliver on his jobs promises?

“Myth: Where are the all [sic] jobs that President Obama promised?” —The Democrat National Committee’s “Your Republican Uncle” website, Nov. 25, 2013   Overview The DNC’s job numbers match no Obama promise we could find. The Facts The Democratic National Committee’s website “The Democrat’s guide to talking politics with your Republican Uncle” has an answer for Republicans who ask about…
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Is the federal deficit ‘falling at fastest rate in 60 years’?

“Today, our businesses have created 7.3 million new jobs over the last 41 months. We now sell more products made in America to the rest of the world than ever before. We produce more renewable energy than ever, and more natural gas than anyone. Health care costs are growing at the slowest rate in 50 years. And our deficits are…
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Annenberg Fact Check says Obama beats George W. Bush on jobs.

“Now that we have figures for the full four years of Obama’s first term, a surprising fact emerges: The economy added more jobs during four years under Obama than it did in the entire eight years under Bush.” —Annenberg Fact Check   Summary FactCheck.org closely imitates the methods of a typical misleading political campaign advertisement. The Facts We do not…
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John Boehner and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s survey stats

“Small business owners ‘say the law makes it harder for them to hire new employees.’ ‘77% say the health care law will make coverage for their employees more expensive.’” —Infographic from Rep. John Boehner’s website   Overview Speaker Boehner accurately represents the most recent results of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s small business survey, but we sound a note or…
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VP debate: Did Bush ‘credit card’ spending account for the recession as Biden claimed?

Vice President Joe Biden:  “They talk about this Great Recession if it fell out of the sky, like, ‘Oh, my goodness, where did it come from?’ It came from this man voting to put two wars on a credit card, to at the same time put a prescription drug benefit on the credit card, a trillion-dollar tax cut for the…
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